Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Well let's see what's new. Last Friday, I went over and spent the afternoon at the CSSP compound with my bud Joe. We went up on the roof and I got to take pictures of the city of Kabul. It was really cool and I had my picture taken with a Ghourka. I have them posted on SnapFish if anyone wants to view them. Joe also had a friend of his pick us up pizza from Pizza Hut at Camp Phoenix and we watched a movie. I can never remember the name of movies, but this one took place in Iraq, and starred Russel Crowe and Leonardo DeCaprio - really good movie. It was nice to relax. We knocked on Beth's door to invite her and figured she must be sleeping. About 4 or so she knocked on the door and it turned out she had been in her office the entire time working on her only day off. My pick up time with MST was at five, the movie ended at 4:45, perfect timing.

Saturday it was back to work and our big big boss came in from Washington (WDC - another acronym). Bob is actually a very pleasant gentleman. Nice to visit with.

There's so much dust in the air over here, that pretty much everyone gets a sinus infection. My sinus' were so bad that my husband asked me one day while chatting on Skype what was wrong with my face and then immediately followed it up with, "Oh Honey, you can see where your sinus' are all swollen." Matt was nice enough to get me some nasal spray at Camp Eggers. Another lady here was having sinus problems too so he picked her up a bottle as well. You know, I e-mailed her and titled it Nasal Spray where do you want to meet to pick it up. She replied "How about the Rose Garden" Do you know how many rose gardens we have here? So I said, "Which garden, they all have roses in them, give me a building number." Let me tell ya, Tyler, Texas has nothing on Kabul, Afghanistan when it comes to roses - they're absolutely beautiful here and they grow everywhere.

Sunday heralded the arrival of our new Logistics Supervisor. I really like him, I think he's going to work out great too. Plus, you know, its really nice not being the new kid on the block anymore. Tomorrow, a new attorney is arriving, then Saturday another Logistic person is showing up and then at the end of the next week another attorney. Nice . . .

Sunday night one of the attorney's and I were sitting in the dining room chatting when we both heard a loud thump. I said, "Wow, I wonder what got blown up this time." She replied, "No, that didn't sound like an explosion, it sounded like the vehicle gate" I said, "Really? I live right by the vehicle gate and its never sounded like that before." Later that night, she texted me to say "You were right, it was an explosion, a rocket but they don't have all the details yet". About an hour later, I heard another explosion so I walked out onto my balcony and looked over the railing to see one of the security guys who lives here and said "Hey, did I just hear another explosion?" He replied yes and discussed what direction they came from. It turned out the first one landed on the grounds of the old British Embassy and the second one was a controlled explosion - where the military destroys contraband materials they've discovered and need to dispose of.

Monday, there was an incident out in one of the RTC's (Remote Training Centers). Still waiting on the details of that one.

Today is Tuesday, I think the IT guys have finally figured out what they did to my computer. Besides erasing all my staff ID cards and template to boot - Wow! They've spent the entire weekend and the beginning of this week recreating the template.

I had to do a run to CSSP today, so I invited Carlos (new guy) to go along with so he could see CSSP our sister compound and meet some of the folks. We, support staff, aren't required to ride MST, (armed escort) so we just have an Afghan driver. Today is the first time I wore my scarf and my maid was kind enough to show me how to wear it. I received several nods of approval from the Afghan workers female and male. Plus, I was a good woman and let the men ride in the front. Yeah, actually I thought if I rode in the back seat wrapped up in my scarf we would blend in better . . . Yeah right, up until Carlos mentioned to Hollywood, (our driver) that our vehicle didn't fool anybody did it being armored and all. All I could think then was "Well Crap, I could have rode in the front seat."

Such is life . . .enjoy it and live it to the fullest . . .to many people sit around waiting and wondering when its going to end . . .stop, get out there, take a chance . . .you really do only live once - make a difference while you can. Until later my friends. . .TTFN

1 comment:

  1. wow it sounds like you are having alot of fun mom! You will have to show me how to wrap the headscarf when you get home.
