Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 3 - 10, 2009 - Continued

October 6, 2009 - Was a busy day, Monday's and Tuesday's are busy days.

October 7, 2009 - Spent most of the morning and afternoon in a workshop for all of us PMO staff. JSSP hosted a Bazaar in the late afternoon and early evening, along with a BBQ. We had ex-pats from America, Britian, Canada, Italy, Australia, our sister compounds, hospitals here in Kabul. It was a lot of fun. I bought some more Christmas presents.

October 8, 2009 - Around 0830, stepping out of the shower and thought I was in a California earth quake. I knew I wasn't and knew what it was as soon as I heard the explosion and it was a duzy. I heard people in my building running up the stairs to the 3rd floor to look out over the rooftop patio. Some asshole suicide bomber tried to gain entrance into a secured road and when the security officer wouldn't let him pass because he didn't have proper identification, he blew himself up. I believe 17 people were killed and 80 were injured. Once the building stopped shaking and I let go of the tub and stood up straight all I could think of was "Oh crap, I gotta get dressed and I better call Bill and tell him if he sees it on the news, we're all ok." So I threw on some clothes, went out to see what was going on and came back into my room and called Bill. Then I went to work. We received another new JSSP member. So I showed him around a bit. He needed his ID card so he could go to Camp Eggars with another team member on Friday, so I took him over to my office and took his picture for his ID. While over there we heard a cat crying. Turns out he was hiding up under the stairwell in my office behind some boxes. So when we went upstairs to watch the poker game for a bit I mentioned there was a cat downstairs. I was told it had come in the night before while the doors were open for the bazaar. So, I went over to the kitchen and diced up some turkey and set a dish out so it could eat. Then after the poker game they left the door open so once it calmed down with any luck it would find its way out of the building. It did.

Friday, October 9th - I didn't do anything on my day off, but write in my journal, read a little bit of Horachio Hornblower -good book! Knitted on my looms, took a nap, visited with Beth when she came over and pigged out on her homemade Chocolate Eclair Pie - OMG, it is to die for!!! Went to bed and slept like a baby.

Saturday, October 10th - Got up and exercised to work off the Chocolate Eclair Pie, went to work, had a great day until about 4:30, when I made the stupidest mistake in my career - just foolish for not paying attention to detail. I was so embarassed, after work, I went back to my room and cried because I was so pissed off at myself. I finally pulled myself together, called my boss and talked to him. He's such an awesome man. Not so sure the people I accidently sent the attachment to will be so forgiving and I know I was not forgiving in the past when I had an employee do the same thing I just did - in fact, I gave that person a Letter of Reprimand. This e-mail system over here will not let you delete an e-mail once you've sent it and I immediately sent out another one saying disregard and I apologized but it doesn't change the fact that I screwed up. I will have a hard time forgiving myself. Let's hope tomorrow is a better day. Sometimes I wish I was back at my old job that I could do with my eyes closed. No I wasn't complacent, but in 21 years, I never did anything as stupid as this. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!

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